Tag "JavaScript API"

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Design an Interactive Map SuperGIS Server

The biggest difference between a printed map and a digital map is that the digital map provides interactivity for users. For example, with GIS software, users can click on a


Ready to Code?

Listen up, coders! There will be a new series of lessons showing you how to use our SuperGIS Server JavaScript API. Since the first release of SuperGIS Server 3.2, we


Keep Up-to-Date with ArcGIS API 4.0 for JavaScript

ArcGIS API 4.0 for JavaScript — for building interactive, compelling web applications — is available in beta. We’re leveraging advances in browser technology and the power of the ArcGIS platform


SuperGIS Server Extends Map Possibilities with Various Resources

This week, Supergeo releases the latest version of SuperGIS Server with plenty of new functions, including related tables, improved JavaScript print tool, and new JavaScript APIs supporting OGC layers. With